There are five competitions at the 24th Nippon Connection Film Festival. The audience awards NIPPON CINEMA AWARD, NIPPON VISIONS AUDIENCE AWARD, and NIPPON DOCS AWARD will be determined by audience vote, with ballots being cast after the screenings at Künstler*innenhaus Mousonturm and Produktionshaus NAXOS. The winners of the NIPPON VISIONS JURY AWARD and the NIPPON STORYTELLING AWARD will be determined by an international jury. The award ceremony will take place on Sunday, June 2, 2024, at 7:45 p.m. at Künstler*innenhaus Mousonturm Saal.
The winners of the 24th Nippon Connection Film Festival:
Nippon Cinema Award: Let's Go Karaoke! by Nobuhiro YAMASHITA
Nippon Visions Jury Award: LONESOME VACATION by Atsuro SHIMOYASHIRO
(Honorable Mention of the Jury: Visitors -Complete Edition- by Kenichi UGANA)
Nippon Visions Audience Award: SEPTEMBER 1923 by Tatsuya MORI
Nippon Docs Award: The Making Of A Japanese by Ema RYAN YAMAZAKI
Nippon Storytelling Award: Junichi INOUE for HIJACKED YOUTH – DARE TO STOP US 2